среда, 12 октября 2011 г.

My memories of childhood

                                 My food memories
  Both my mum and dad were great cooks when I was growing up. My dad was a better cook than my mum. In my family, we used to try new things and experiment with food. I’ve always loved trying new foods. The only thing I really disliked was porridge. I tried to avoid it. When I was a child and went to the kindergarten, all the children ate porridge but I drank cocoa with a sandwich.
  In our family, we always used to eat around a table, it’s our tradition. I think that meals were, and still are, a family event. My parents invite the friends and relatives and have a birthday party.
  My favourite food was the sort of thing that I remember having a lot when I was younger – food that my dad used to cook (meat dishes) and my mum’s apple pie. I know that in childhood I didn’t like candies, but now I like them.
  I used to eat junk food, but now I care about my health and I rarely eat fast food.  From time to time I can have a snack with a chocolate bar and feel quite good about it.

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